Sunday, February 3, 2008

Walking Out the Front Door: An Introduction

Throughout the postmodern landscape, into which our western world is currently transitioning, truth has begun to transform. It has become a concept which revels in vague generality, and is communicated in much the same fashion. Terms such as "relative" and "subjective" truth are common in most academic settings, and popular theology and philosophy are no exception. This proliferation of the postmodern definition of truth has led to many good and useful changes within the Evangelical body, but has also been the source of much discontent and conflict. It is this transition that this blog will primarily focus on. What is this transitional period, what does it mean from a secular viewpoint, and what does it mean for Christians? These questions will be the driving force behind a large portion of the content presented. 

A Warning: I realize that this topic has been written about by many authors over the last few years, and cannot be summarized in one brief blog post. For that reason, this blog will be split into several posts, each dealing with a different subtopic. I also realize that I am woefully under-qualified for this task, being a second semester freshman. That being said, this subject has been at the heart of every crisis of faith I have undergone, every book I have read, and every discussion I have had at school and abroad within the past year. To sit back and write a blog without acknowledging this would not only be denying myself an outlet, but deceiving the one or two readers who will accidently stumble across my meager contribution, into thinking I am wholeheartedly and passionately presenting something of value when in reality I would be writing without purpose. Also, this is a "working" blog. By that I mean to say that as I continue to research and discover new truths and expose false ones, the direction of the posts may change slightly within the overall scheme of investigating what truth means within this departure from modernity. This is where my heart is, and it is my aim to present my ideas in a way which will, at the very least encourage the reader to engage in open dialogue, and at the most bring them closer to truth.

- Luke Wright


Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

Welcome to the blogosphere Mr. Wright. Glad to have you out here.

ac said...

I have finally read your first post! It is well written, and concise. I look forward to hearing your thoughts, and commenting my own. May the loudest voice in the conversation, not be tradition (though I value it), or ambiguity (unless somethings ambiguous), nor ultimately human wisdom, but the Word of Christ who is God. Use the force Luke!